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Neurokinin A

Known as: Substance K, neurokinin, Neuromedin L 
A mammalian neuropeptide of 10 amino acids that belongs to the tachykinin family. It is similar in structure and action to SUBSTANCE P and NEUROKININ… 
National Institutes of Health

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Recent work in sheep has identified a neuronal subpopulation in the arcuate nucleus that coexpresses kisspeptin, neurokinin B… 
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This paper describes the amino acid sequence of the rat substance P receptor and its comparison with that of the rat substance K… 
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Highly Cited
Quantitative receptor autoradiography using several radiolabeled tachykinins was used to localize and characterize tachykinin… 
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The neuropeptide receptors which are present in very small quantities in the cell and are embedded tightly in the plasma membrane…