The Life History of 21 Breast Cancers
- S. Nik-ZainalP. Van Loo P. Campbell
- 25 May 2012
Medicine, Biology
The patterns and dynamics of genomic instability in metastatic pancreatic cancer
- Peter J. CampbellS. Yachida P. Futreal
- 28 October 2010
Medicine, Biology
It is found that pancreatic cancer acquires rearrangements indicative of telomere dysfunction and abnormal cell-cycle control, namely dysregulated G1-to-S-phase transition with intact G2–M checkpoint, and phylogenetic trees across metastases show organ-specific branches.
Heterogeneity of genomic evolution and mutational profiles in multiple myeloma
- N. BolliH. Avet-Loiseau Nikhil C. Munshi
- 16 January 2014
Medicine, Biology
The myeloma genome is heterogeneous across the cohort, and exhibits diversity in clonal admixture and in dynamics of evolution, which may impact prognostic stratification, therapeutic approaches and assessment of disease response to treatment.
Critical evaluation of KCNJ3 gene product detection in human breast cancer: mRNA in situ hybridisation is superior to immunohistochemistry
- Y. JuL. Alexandrov Peter J. Campbell
- 3 October 2016
The ISH method was superior to IHC, regarding robustness, sensitivity and specificity and will aid to further study expression levels of KCNJ3 in both malignant and physiological conditions.
Signatures of mutation and selection in the cancer genome
- G. BignellC. Greenman Michael R. Stratton
- 18 February 2010
Biology, Medicine
Structural signatures are derived that distinguish between homozygous deletions over recessive cancer genes and fragile sites and illustrate how structural signatures can be used to distinguish between the influences of mutation and selection in cancer genomes.
Supplementary File 4
- Y. JuL. Alexandrov Peter J. Campbell
- 2014
Biology, Environmental Science
Two rearrangements were unique to BPM 24 and one of the published contig arrangements was present only in samples BPM24, RRIC 105 and RRIM 600 while all samples had the master circle arrangement for this locus.
The topography of mutational processes in breast cancer genomes
- S. MorganellaL. Alexandrov S. Nik-Zainal
- 2 May 2016
Biology, Medicine
It is demonstrated that mutational signatures are frequently associated with genomic architecture including nucleosome positioning and replication timing, as well as mutational processes of unknown aetiology.
The DNA sequence and comparative analysis of human chromosome 20
- P. DeloukasL. Matthews J. Rogers
- 27 May 2004
Comparative analysis of the sequence of chromosome 20 to whole-genome shotgun-sequence data of two other vertebrates provides an independent measure of the efficiency of gene annotation, and indicates that this analysis may account for more than 95% of all coding exons and almost all genes.
Recurrent mutation of IGF signalling genes and distinct patterns of genomic rearrangement in osteosarcoma
- S. BehjatiP. Tarpey Peter J. Campbell
- 23 June 2017
Medicine, Biology
The largest sequencing study of osteosarcoma to date is presented, comprising 112 childhood and adult tumours encompassing all major histological subtypes and identifying distinct rearrangement profiles including a process characterized by chromothripsis and amplification.
Supplementary file 2.
- Young Seok JuL. Alexandrov Peter J. Campbell
- 2014
Tests were carried out in the N2 (wild-type) strain or in pha1(tm3671) mutants, as indicated, and all tests were performed with the UNC-70(TSMod).