National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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The cholegraphic agent iodoxamate (Endomirabil) was examined in respect of its contrasting performance and it side effects in the…
The recently introduced intravenous cholegraphic contrast media produce a greater diagnostic yield in radiological routine thanks…
The contrast media Biligram, Endomirabil und Biliscopin are tested in comparative series in a total of 304 patients. The optimal…
The tolerance and diagnostic usefulness of the new intravenous bile contrast medium Endomirabil were subjected to clinical…
The new substance Iodoxamate (Endomirabil) is a hepatotropic contrast medium. In a clinical comparative study, the contrast of…
Pharmacokinetic data after injection of the new cholegraphic contrast medium iotroxic acid (Biliscopin) in man are reported and…
In a total of 532 patients, Bilivistan and Endomirabil are compared in cholecystography regarding side effects and visualization…
Two hepatotropic contrast media in 3 different concentrations each are administered to a total of 727 patients for infusion…