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RASGRF2 gene

Known as: GRF2, RAS PROTEIN-SPECIFIC GUANINE NUCLEOTIDE-RELEASING FACTOR 2, Ras Protein-Specific Guanine Nucleotide-Releasing Factor 2 Gene 
This gene plays a role in signal transduction and receptor signaling.
National Institutes of Health

Papers overview

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ABSTRACT The mammalian Grf1 and Grf2 proteins are Ras guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) sharing a high degree of… 
ABSTRACT Ras is a small GTPase that is activated by upstream guanine nucleotide exchange factors, one of which is Ras-GRF2. GRF2… 
Highly Cited
Highly Cited
ABSTRACT The full-length versions of the Ras-specific exchange factors Ras-GRF1 (GRF1) and Ras-GRF2 (GRF2), which are expressed…