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Oxidative Phosphorylation

Known as: Phosphorylations, Oxidative, Oxidative Phosphorylations, ATP biosynthesis (oxidative) 
The phosphorylation of ADP to ATP that accompanies the oxidation of a metabolite through the operation of the respiratory chain. Oxidation of… 
National Institutes of Health

Papers overview

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1. Substance P (SP) induces histamine release from isolated rat peritoneal mast cells at concentrations of 0·1‐10 μM. 
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Highly Cited
In Papers I and II of this series (1, 2) it was shown that a soluble, highly purified adenosine triphosphatase obtained from beef… 
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Highly Cited
Goss, William A. (Sterling-Winthrop Research Institute, Rensselaer, N.Y.), William H. Dietz, and Thomas M. Cook. Mechanism of…