National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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e14619Background: Obesity is associated with poor breast cancer outcomes. Our prior data suggested a positive feedback loop…
Read 'Seroprevalence and risk factors ofToxoplasmainfection in patients with
malignancy in central and south central areas of…
The use of enzymes in the textile chemical processi ng is rapidly gaining globally recognition because of their non-toxic and eco…
In dit promotieonderzoek is een eerste aanzet geleverd om de expressie van genen blijvend te veranderen door gen-specifiek…
The most common of the severe compli cations of thiamine deficiency are beriberi and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. To help clarify…
AB TRACT ,\ I I organisms i n c l ud i ng humans a re constan t l y and unavo i dab ly exposed to foreign chemica l s ("\cnob iot…
Process time was determined based on heat inactivation of pectin methyl esterase (PME) commonly occuring heat resistant enzyme…
Warfarin and its analogs have been identifi ed for structure based des ign of non peptidic HIV protease inhi bitors and 4…
MiCl"oorg; lIli~m s li ving in ex trcme environments ;lre di vided into ri ve categorics: thcrmophilcs. psychrophiles. alb li…