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Cholic Acid

Known as: acid cholic, Cholan-24-oic acid, 3,7,12-trihydroxy-, (3-alpha, 5-beta, 7-alpha, 12-alpha)-, Acid, Cholic 
A major primary bile acid produced in the liver and usually conjugated with glycine or taurine. It facilitates fat absorption and cholesterol… 
National Institutes of Health

Papers overview

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To elucidate the first step in the vectorial transport of bile acids by the liver, plasma membrane vesicles were isolated from… 
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We now report metal-free organic dyes having a new type of indoline structure, which exhibits high efficiencies in dye-sensitized… 
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Highly Cited
BACKGROUND AND AIMS Cholestasis is associated with retention of potentially toxic bile acids and alterations in hepatocellular… 
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Highly Cited
How lipophilic acids move across membranes, either model or biological, is the subject of controversy. We describe experiments…