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Aortic coarctation

Known as: Coarctation of Aorta, Aortic Coarctations, AORTA, COARCTATION 
A birth defect characterized by the narrowing of the AORTA that can be of varying degree and at any point from the transverse arch to the iliac… 
National Institutes of Health

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To show that 4D Flow is a clinically viable tool for evaluation of collateral blood flow and demonstration of distorted blood… 
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Among 263 consecutive patients with spontaneous cervicocephalic arterial dissections evaluated at the Mayo Clinic, 18 (6.8%) were… 
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OBJECTIVE--To improve the rate of prenatal detection of cardiac malformations in a low risk population. DESIGN--Comparison of… 
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Highly Cited
A long-term retrospective analysis of 248 patients, 11-25 years after surgical correction of coarctation of the aorta, revealed a…