Extra-toes (Xt) homozygous mutant mice demonstrate a role for the Gli-3 gene in the development of the forebrain.

  title={Extra-toes (Xt) homozygous mutant mice demonstrate a role for the Gli-3 gene in the development of the forebrain.},
  author={Thomas Franz},
  journal={Acta anatomica},
  volume={150 1},
Observations suggest that the proper expression of the Gli-3 gene in the forebrain is a prerequisite for the normal development of the telencephalon and later of the cerebral cortex.

Phenotypic differences in the brains and limbs of mutant mice caused by differences of Gli3 gene expression levels

It is speculated that the differences in the Gli3 gene expression levels resulted in the phenotypic differences between the Pdn/Pdn and XtJ/XtJ mice.

Gli3 is required for Emx gene expression during dorsal telencephalon development.

Forebrain development in the extra toes (Xt(J) mouse mutant which carries a null mutation of the Gli3 gene is reported, implicates Gli 3 as a key regulator for the development of the dorsal telencephalon and implies Gli2 to be upstream of Emx genes in a genetic cascade controlling dorsal Telencephalic development.

Otx genes in corticogenesis and brain development.

An extensive functional equivalence occurs between the mammalian Otx genes and their Drosophila homolog, orthodenticle and this appears particularly fascinating when considering the huge differences between the brains of mice and flies.

Cardiac and CNS defects in a mouse with targeted disruption of suppressor of fused

In contrast to Ptch1 heterozygous mice, Sufu heterozygotes had no developmental defects and no apparent tumor predisposition, consistent with mouse Sufu being a conserved negative modulator of Hh signaling.

Loss of Gli3 enhances the viability of embryonic telencephalic cells in vitro

It is demonstrated that telencephalic cells from embryonic Gli3Xt/Xt embryos survive better and are more resistant to death induced by cytosine arabinoside, a nucleoside analogue that induces death in neuronal progenitors and neurons, than are control counterparts in vitro.

The hem of the embryonic cerebral cortex is defined by the expression of multiple Wnt genes and is compromised in Gli3-deficient mice.

The observations indicate that Gli3 participates in Wnt gene regulation in the vertebrate telencephalon, and suggest that the loss of telENCEphalic choroid plexus in XtJ mice is due to defects in the cortical hem that include WNT gene misregulation.

The mouse polydactylous mutation, luxate (lx), causes anterior shift of the anteroposterior border in the developing hindlimb bud.

It is shown here that the mouse mutation luxate (lx) exhibits dose-dependent reduction in the size of the Fgf8 expression domain in the ectoderm from the initial stage of limb development, indicating that the lx mutation affects the positioning of the anteroposterior border in developing hindlimb buds.

Regionalization of the prosencephalic neural plate.

The synthesis of information from fate mapping and experimental embryological and genetic studies is illuminating the mechanisms that generate the different components of the forebrain.

In vivo Analysis of Choroid Plexus Morphogenesis in Zebrafish

This study is the first to demonstrate the formation of ChP in vivo revealing a role of Notch and Hedgehog signalling pathways during different developmental phases of this process.