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NUP214 wt Allele

Known as: CAIN, CAN Protein, Putative Oncogene, D9S46E 
Human NUP214 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 9q34.1 and is approximately 108 kb in length. This allele, which encodes nuclear pore… 
National Institutes of Health

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ABSTRACT After penetrating the host cell, the herpesvirus capsid is transported to the nucleus along the microtubule network and… 
P. Meijerink Buijs-Gladdines, Martin Horstmann, Elisabeth R. van Wering, Jean Soulier, Rob Pieters and Jules P. van der Spek… 
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Highly Cited
ABSTRACT Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Rev contains a leucine-rich nuclear export signal that is essential for its…