Microbacterium sp. OVE
National Institutes of Health
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Bill Ong是一位来自新加坡的独立电影制作人,成立了电影公司Billshootfilm起初,他的主要业务与婚庆相关,后来Bill的视角逐渐转向人文,开始拍摄有关新加坡传统与文化遗产方面的纪录片。
Investigates London and Paris as 'migrant cities' in contemporary British and French cinema. The study of globalisation in cinema…
Pokusi u nastavi fizike danas se sve rjeđe upotrebljavaju. Zasto je tomu tako, ne zna se sa sigurnoscu reci. Tako postoje neki od…
AbstractHuman history has come a long way. Our modern world is knitted into a web of different social institutions that play an…
Verotoxin-producing Esherichia coli (VTEC) is one of six pathogenicity groups of Eschericha coli. The reservoir for VTEC is the…
Ultrazvuk je kao i zvuk mehanicka vibracija u krutom ili tekucem mediju, a obuhvaca frekvencije vece od 20 kHz. Djelovanje…
Academic design methods appear not to adapt to industrial design activities. Methods originating in industry are naturally…