National Institutes of Health
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Northern Chilean Patagonia has numerous pristine lakes associated with perennial native forests. The present study looks at…
Wood anatomy is one of the tools used for taxonomic classification of species. By combining this tool with molecular phylogeny…
Its distribution in Chile was defined historically between Zapallar (Valparaiso Region, 32.5° S) and Correntoso River (Aysen…
Instituto de Silvicultura, Universidad Austral, Casilla 567, Valdivia, Chiledanielsoto@uach.clABSTRACTThis short communication…
The genetic constitution and diversity of four relictual redwoods are discussed in this review. These include monotypic genera of…
A. Baldini, J. Oltremari, and A. Holmgren. 2008. Effect of Cinara cupressi on Austrocedrus chilensis following chemical control…
PAGES News • Vol.16 • No 2 • April 2008 Sp ec ia l S ec tio n: D at aM od el C om pa ri so n during the LIA. Again, these changes…
Aextoxicon punctatum, the only representative of the family Aextoxicaceae, is a tree species endemic to temperate forests of…
El mantillo del suelo (horizontes Oi y Oe) de ecosistemas boscosos es utilizado como habitat, fuente de nutrientes y energia para…