National Institutes of Health
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The phylogenetic relationships of the following 14 Septoria species pathogenic to Asteraceae were inferred from sequence analyses…
During the course of a monographic study of the genus Cercospora, several previously undescribed cercosporoid hyphomycetes were…
Cercospora spot caused by Pseudocercospora purpurea is the most serious pre-harvest disease of avocado in South Africa. The…
Beberapa bahan kimia (asam salisilat, kitin asal kulit udang dan K2HPO4) dan air perasan daun tumbuhan (daun bayam, daun beluntas…
Ten species of Cercospora are reported in this paper. Included are 2 new species: C. artemisiae Y. L. Guo Y. Jiang and C…
Cercospora dryopterdis Y. L. Guo sp, nov. on Dryopteris polypodioides Fee (Dryopteridaceae) is reported. A latin diagnosis and…
Cercospora pteridigena sp. nov. on Adiantum venustum, Mycovellosiella urariae sp. nov. and Phaeoisar iop sis fabacearum sp. novo…
Cercospora spot of avocado was effectively controlled by pre-harvest applications of Flusilazol or Copper oxychloride…
The optimum timing for the first pre-harvest spray application against Cercospora spot of avocados for the Burgershall area was…
SUMMARY It has been proved again that the most critical period for Cercospora spot infection on Fuerte is the early rainy season…