National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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The nocturnal origin of mammals is a longstanding hypothesis that is considered instrumental for the evolution of endothermy, a…
The H beta 58 gene, whose disruption in mice causes reabsorption of the embryo at 9.5 days post-conception, is believed to be…
Abstract. Phylogenetic relationships among reptiles were examined using previously published and newly determined hemoglobin…
The vertebrates are traditionally classified into two distinct groups, Agnatha (jawless vertebrates) and Gnathostomata (jawed…
Eunotosaurus is a rare tetra pod fo ssil until recently known only from the Tapinocephaluszone of the ma in Karoo bas in of Cape…
Recently published rRNA sequences (Hedges et al. 1990) provide important new information on tetrapod relationships. Specifically…