Acinetobacter sp. GRI-HRS-ADR
National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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Bu calismada, X-band darbeli radar kullanilarak olculen gercek hedef eko sinyallerinin dalga formlarindan ozellik cikarimi ve…
Amac: Epilepsi, kortikal gri cevherden kaynaklanan anormal elektriksel desarj nedeniyle gelisen tekrarlayici epileptik nobetlerle…
The CCCEP Policy Innovation fund supported a project to explore the feasibility and perceived usefulness of an indicator of…
Conditional Source-term Estimation (CSE) is a turbulent combustion model that uses conditional averages to close the chemical…
Bu calismanin amaci giris olarak verilen uygun bir mesafeden cekilmis tasit goruntusunden plaka bolgesini koparan ve bu bolgedeki…
Fiction offers many interesting insights to students of management. In the first place, many novels contain elements of…
Standard guidelines for venting gas appliances in multistory buildings are based on the performance and operation of conventional…
OBJECTIVE--To determine the effectiveness of an existing screening programme based in the community for ocular and vision defects…
Es waren unter anderen anwesend: Alexander -Frankfur t a.M., Altdorfer-Wiesbaden, A l t en burger-Breslau, Armspug-Wien, Auerbach…