bacterium E-1-48-5E
National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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Bu calismanin amaci; kavramsal degisim pedagojileri ile zenginlestirilmis 5E modeline uygun hazirlanan rehber materyallerin…
Bu calismanin amaci, eylem arastirma deseni kullanarak Sosyal bilgiler dersi ogretiminde 5E ogrenme dongusu modelinin nasil…
The aim of this study is to research the effect of the 5E learning model and cooperative learning method on attitude in biology…
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan siklus belajar 5E, inkuiri bebas
dimodifikasi, kemampuan…
In this research; during the Physics Education course in GATA Medical Noncommissioned Officer Preparatory School\'s first grade…
Fen ve teknoloji ogretim programinin sarmal bir yapida olmasi ogrencilerin kuvvet ve hareket kavramlarini her yil artan bir…
Ulkemizde ilkogretim mufredatlarinin yapilandirmaci ogrenme kurami temel alinarak gelistirildigi bilinmektedir. Buna bagli olarak…
Bu calismada; GATA Saglik Astsubay Hazirlama Okulu 1. sinifta yer alan Fizik dersinde, 5E Modeli esas alinarak, Yatay Atis…
Abstract 1,3-dialkyl-4,5-dimethylimidazol-2-ylidenes form adducts with various bis (alkylcyclopentadienyl) complexes of magnesium…
Nach den bisher gesammelten Erfahrungen ist dort , -we im Vorjahr ein starkes Auftreten der Kirschfliege zu verzeiehnen war, aueh…