National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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This signing statement by Governor Nikki Haley explains that she signed H.3947, R-124, a bill removing appointment power from the…
Using technology domestication theory as the analytical framework, this paper discusses the findings of ethnographic interviews…
This veto message from Governor Mark Sanford vetoes H. 3045, a bill that establishes a firefighter grants program that would…
ABSTRACT Wereport here a rapid evaporation methodthatproducesinhighyieldgiantunilamellarvesicles upto50 ,um indiameter…
Micro-channel heat-exchanger test articles were fabricated and performance tested. The heat exchangers are being developed for…
Because heat exchanger thermal performance has a direct fluence on the overall cycle performance of vapor-compression…
Abstract : This thesis examines the pool boiling heat transfer characteristics of HCFC-124 (R-124) and HCFC-124/oil mixtures with…
Abstract : An investigation on the effect of oil on the onset of nucleate pool boiling of R-124 from a single horizontal tube was…
The imminent phaseout of R-11, R-12, and R-115 because of their high ozone depletion potentials has prompted many independent…