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Past Seven Days Feeling Nothing Could Cheer You Up Interfering with Usual or Daily Activities

Known as: In the past 7 days, how much did feeling that nothing could cheer you up interfere with your usual or daily activities, Past Seven Days How Much Feeling Nothing Could Cheer You Up Interfered with Usual or Daily Activities 
A question about how much an individual's feeling that nothing could cheer them up interfered with their usual or daily activities over the past… 
National Institutes of Health

Papers overview

Semantic Scholar uses AI to extract papers important to this topic.
I’m on my bike. The temperature has climbed to 30 C and I am slowly ascending a hill about 60 miles into an 80 mile training ride… 
RCN general secretary Peter Carter brought some festive cheer to nurses at Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust on Christmas Day. 
RCN general secretary Peter Carter brought some festive cheer to hard working nurses at West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust on… 
THIS WILL BE another one of those controversial Governor Lamb, Daniel Callahan pieces. So be p repared (I think I am). When does… 
Excerpt] October 10, 1985, was a day of reckoning for a remarkable organizing campaign. On that day nearly 10,000 North Carolina…