MIZE protocol
National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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Po visini nastavljive mize pomagajo ljudem doseci boljse zdravje in povecati koncentracijo pri delu. Z napredkom sistemov po…
V podjetju, kjer sem opravljal strokovno prakso, je bilo potrebno modificirati obstojeco dvižno mizo. Obstojeca dvižna miza je…
Pri vsakodnevnem dolgotrajnem delu za mizo je zelo pomembno, da se oseba malo razgiba.
Ker sedenje v enakem položaju ni udobno…
V diplomskem delu je prikazano snovanje univerzalne hidravlicne dvižne mize, ki služi kot pripomocek pri delu in omogoca boljse…
Background:Althoughcircularventricleresectiontechniquesarethegoldstandardofleftventriclerestoration,thesetechniquescanlead to…
More years ago than I care to remember, someone convinced me that reading was conversation in disguise; that the printed page was…
In the state of the art of mobile radio systems in cluding broadband frequency solid state transmitters, the intermodulation…
For a novel that contains most of Virginia Woolf's important themes and some of her most exciting—and controlled—experimentation…