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Gap loss

Known as: Gap-loss attenuator 
Gap loss is a type of signal strength loss that occurs in fiber optic transmission when the signal is transferred from one section of fiber or cable… 
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Papers overview

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Enhanced thermal management continues to be the key to the miniaturisation of high-frequency magnetic components and to increased… 
................................................................................................................................... ii Statement of copyright ............................................................................................................ iv Declaration .............................................................................................................................. v List of Abbreviations ............................................................................................................. xiv List of Symbols ....................................................................................................................... xv Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................ xviii Publications .......................................................................................................................... xix 
In order to avoid the requirement for a narrow track reader in high track density shingled recording, decoding schemes for two… 
Measuring band gaps and delocalization with a STEM microscope requires a small probe, for spatial resolution, and high enough… 
В статье рассматривается концепция одного из возможных вариантов противостояния деструктивным процессам, приводящим к деградации и исчезновению российских малых поселений и городов, разрушению основ идентичности территорий, утрате самобытности мест, отставанию в уровне жизни и потере духовной альтернативы рынку. В качестве объекта-катализатора позитивных перемен и регенерации российских территорий предлагается измененная по своему содержанию и назначению типология храмового комплекса – своеобразного «наукограда», продолжающего лучшие традиции русских монастырей прошлых эпох, но на основе современных задач и тенденций общественного развития и благополучия поселений провинциальной России. This article deals with a concept of one of the possible variants of opposing of destructive processes that lead to degradation and disappearance of Russian small settlements and towns, ruining areas identity basics, loss of places distinctive characteristics, living standards gap, loss of spirital alternative to the market. As an object – catalyst of positive changes and Russian areas regeneration, it is suggested to use the temple complex typology, with altered contents and purpose – a sort of «Science Town», that will follow the best traditions of Russian monasteries of past times, but will base on modern tasks and tendencies of social development and well-being of provincial Russian settlements. 
The target of the investigation presented in this paper was to develop a loss correlation for ultra-low aspect ratio turbine… 
On the basis of the principle of magnetic pulse compression (MPC), a new magnetic pulse compression system based on magnetic… 
Fermilab's Main Injector on acceleration cycles to 120 GeV has been running a mixed mode operation delivering beam to both the… 
This document defines an RTCP XR Report Block that allows the reporting of Burst and Gap Loss metrics for use in a range of RTP… 
In a previous work of a similar nature, the performance of a low speed axial turbine with a second stage nozzle was examined with…