Galium palustre
National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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Little Leny Meadows are two adjacent unimproved flood meadows by the River Teith at Callander, Stirlingshire. One is ungrazed…
Aus Polen einges, yon Karo: Adonis aestivalis, Allium fallax, Amaranthus retroflexus, Angelica silvestris, Anthriscus silvestris…
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of grazing on shoreline meadows. To accomplish this, five ungrazed and…
Cytological investigations within Galium palustre L. showed the occurrence of three cytotypes, a diploid with 2n=24 chromosomes…
Eight genera and twenty-seven species, of which six are rare in their distribution, are recognized in this study as constituting…