Etheostoma zonale
National Institutes of Health
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L'expansion de l'islam en Afrique au sud du Sahara peut etre assimilee a la diffusion des confreries soufies (tariqa) selon un…
SynopsisWe studied variation in clutch and egg size of the banded darter, Etheostoma zonale, using museum specimens representing…
JuvenileAplysia dactylomela were found feeding in abundance on the tropical brown algaStypopodium zonale, a seaweed previously…
In 1975 many tumours were observed in plants ofBegonia ‘Schwabenland’ grown in Aalsmeer. Submersion of the roots ofNicotiana…
La distribution comparée du nifrite 2 celles des autres paramètres biochimiyuex (nitrate, ammoniaqrre, lJzosphale, oxygène…
AbstractHormone-directed transport is shown in a detached adult leaf ofPelargonium zonale, after a local application of solution…
The investigations on the cause of the “Lent disease” of mother plants as well as cuttings ofPelargonium zonale have indicated…
ZusammenfassungDurch vergleichende Untersuchung der Transporthemmung und der Kallosebildung in unbehandelten und…
ZusammenfassungEs war Ziel der Arbeit, zu untersuchen, ob sich durch ATP-Zuführung der Energiehaushalt des Stofftransportes…