National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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Neuroblastoma (NB) cells can be induced to differentiate bidirectionally into either neuronal or schwannian cells by different…
We established the subline RT‐BMV‐C6 from the parent human neuroblastoma cell line RT‐BM by a process that required repeated…
The prognosis of patients with advanced neuroblastoma remains poor despite recent progress in chemo/radiotherapy. Therapeutic…
We investigated the effects of polyprenoic acid, E5166, on the production and secretion of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and on cell…
レチノイド類似の作用を有する新規化合物である3,7,11,15-tetramethyl-2,4,6,10,14-all transhexadecapentaenoic acid(E5166…
掌蹠膿疱症10例(手掌または足蹠のいずれかに皮疹があつた症例4例, 掌蹠にあつた症例5例, 掌蹠以外にもあつた症例1例)を一側にロコイド軟膏, 他側に5%サリチル酸ワセリンまたはアンダーム軟膏併用群7例と, 両側にネリゾナ軟膏またはリンデロンDP軟膏使用群3…
3,7,11,15-Tetramethyl-2,4,6,10,14-hexadecapentaenoic acid (E5166), a synthetic analog of retinoic acid, increased 2-deoxy-D…
The antineoplastic effects of a novel retinoid derivative E5166 on cultured human neuroblastoma, GOTO cells, were investigated…