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Aloe vera plant

Known as: Aloe vulgaris Lam., vera aloe, Aloe barbadensis 
A succulent, fibrous plant, of the family Liliaceae, with basal leaves, having toothed or fibrous margins. Native to southern Africa, it is a popular… 
National Institutes of Health

Papers overview

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In2O3 nanoparticles with particle sizes of 5-50 nm were synthesized by a simple, cost effective and environmental friendly route… 
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Highly Cited
Aloe vera gel has a beneficial effect on wound healing. Because angiogenesis is an essential process in wound healing, we… 
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Highly Cited
We have characterized a new immunostimulatory polysaccharide called Aloeride from commercial aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) juice… 
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Highly Cited
The influence of Aloe vera, orally and topically, on wound healing was studied. Wounds were induced on both sides of the…