Simultaneous discrimination of jasmonic acid stereoisomers by CE‐QTOF‐MS employing the partial filling technique
This was the first report on the direct resolution of both pairs of JA enantiomers, including two naturally occurring JA stereoisomers, as well as a fast CE‐UV method and a sensitive CE‐QTOF‐MS method for the enantioseparation of racemic JA.
Expression of NtPT5 Is Correlated with the Degree of Colonization in Tobacco Roots Inoculated with Glomus etunicatum
- Z. TanYuanlei HuZhongping Lin
- 10 January 2012
Biology, Environmental Science
Results indicate that only NtPT5 was mycorrhiza-specific phosphate transporter during arbuscularMycorrhizal symbiosis in tobacco roots, and the induction was tightly correlated with the degree of root colonization by Glomus etunicatum.
Expression of SYMRK affects the development of arbuscular mycorrhiza in tobacco roots
- Z. TanYuanlei HuZhongping Lin
- 2012
Biology, Environmental Science
It is suggested that increased expression of SYMRK in roots of AM-infected tobacco can increase the colonization and biomass and overexpression of LsSYMRK increased tobacco biomass in the presence of AM fungi.
Progress in Studies on Plant Symbiosis Receptor-like Kinase in Nonlegumes
- Z. XiancanYuanlei HuZ. TanJ. ZhuZhongping Lin
- 1 May 2007
Biology, Environmental Science
Expression of SYMRK affects the development of arbuscular mycorrhiza in tobacco roots
- Z. TanYuanlei HuZhongping Lin
- 6 July 2012
Biology, Environmental Science
It is suggested that increased expression of SYMRK in roots of AM-infected tobacco can increase the colonization and biomass and overexpression of LsSYMRK increased tobacco biomass in the presence of AM fungi.
Expression of NtPT5 Is Correlated with the Degree of Colonization in Tobacco Roots Inoculated with Glomus etunicatum
- Z. TanYuanlei HuZhongping Lin
- 10 January 2012
Biology, Environmental Science
Results indicate that only NtPT5 was mycorrhiza-specific phosphate transporter during arbuscularMycorrhizal symbiosis in tobacco roots, and the induction was tightly correlated with the degree of root colonization by Glomus etunicatum.
Production of isoflavone genistein in transgenic IFS tobacco roots and its role in stimulating the development of arbuscular mycorrhiza
- Z. TanRongrong LiuYuanlei HuZhongping Lin
- 22 March 2012
Biology, Environmental Science
The results suggest that genistein plays a positive role in the development of AM symbiosis in tobacco roots in transgenic IFS tobacco roots.
PhPT4 Is a Mycorrhizal-Phosphate Transporter Suppressed by Lysophosphatidylcholine in Petunia Roots
- Z. TanYuanlei HuZhongping Lin
- 24 May 2012
Biology, Environmental Science
The results suggest that PhPT4 is a mycorrhiza-specific phosphate transporter and LPC is not always a universal signal in AM fungi–plant symbiosis.
Combination of dynamic pH junction with capillary electrophoresis‐mass spectrometry for the determination of systemins in plant samples
- Yu BaiCuilan ChangFuyou DuZ. TanHuwei Liu
- 1 July 2014
Biology, Chemistry
An improved method, based on dynamic pH junction and capillary electrophoresis‐quadrupole time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry, was developed for online enrichment and sensitive determination of trace systemins in plants, and realized the successful detection of tomato systemin and tobacco hydroxyproline‐rich systemin I from plant leaves with shorter analysis time.
PhPT4 Is a Mycorrhizal-Phosphate Transporter Suppressed by Lysophosphatidylcholine in Petunia Roots
- Z. TanYuanlei HuZhongping Lin
- 24 May 2012
Biology, Environmental Science
The results suggest that PhPT4 is a mycorrhiza-specific phosphate transporter and LPC is not always a universal signal in AM fungi–plant symbiosis.