ROIMIX: Proposal-Fusion Among Multiple Images for Underwater Object Detection
- Weihong LinJia-Xing ZhongShan LiuThomas H. LiGe Li
- 8 November 2019
Environmental Science, Computer Science
This work investigates augmentation policies to simulate overlapping, occluded and blurred objects, and builds a model capable of achieving better generalization, called RoIMix, which characterizes interactions among images.
OPV: Bias Correction Based Optimal Probabilistic Viewport-Adaptive Streaming for 360-Degree Video
- Weihong LinXinggong ZhangZongming GuoWei Hu
- 1 July 2019
Computer Science
2019 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia…
A bias correction based optimal probabilistic viewport-adaptive approach, which selects the best tiles and bitrates to alleviate the ill effect of prediction bias, and the experimental results confirm that this proposal outperforms the existing viewport adaptive approaches.
A Caching Miss Ratio Aware Path Selection Algorithm for Information-Centric Networks
- Weihong LinXinggong ZhangYu GuanKen ChenZongming Guo
- 1 October 2017
Computer Science
This paper provides a fully distributed distance-based ESP algorithm that enables routers maintain routes to nearest content, without knowing a network topology and the caching miss ratio of content at other routers.