- J. S. AlmeidaR. Terlevich Brazil
- 17 July 2012
We describe a simple step-by-step guide to qualitative interpretation of galaxy spectra. Rather than an alternative to existing automated tools, it is put forward as an instrument for quick-look…
Attentiography of the Body: correlations between Lisa Nelson and Gilbert Simondon’s work from a narrative fragment
- Francisco de Assis Gaspar NetoFlorianópolisScUnesparCuritibaBrazil
- 30 December 2016
Art, Philosophy
The paper suggests an interconnection between art and philosophy through approaching the practice of attention upon a section of Tuning Scores , described by the American choreographer and videomaker…
Mini review - Clinical and physiological aspects of pain in parkinson's disease
- E. BergamaschiF. C. Nunes Brazil.
- 25 August 2016
A better comprehension of pain physiology in PD could facilitate the development of new therapeutic approaches, thus providing a better quality of life for PD patients, according to the current information available.
The relationship between the Sérsic law profiles measured along the major and minor axes of elliptical galaxies
- F. FerrariH. Dottori Brazil
- 22 September 2003
In this paper we discuss the reason why the parameters of the Sersic model best-fitting the major axis light profile of elliptical galaxies can differ significantly from those derived for the minor…