Factors Associated With Obstructive Sleep Apnea Among Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers
- Wenqian XieS. ChakrabartyR. LevineRoy JohnsonJ. Talmage
- 1 February 2011
Medical examiners’ use of objectively measurable risk factors, such as obesity, history of hypertension, and/or diabetes, rather than symptoms, may be more effective in identifying undiagnosed OSA in commercial drivers during the commercial driver medical examinations.
Case-control study of hepatocellular carcinoma, occupation, and chemical exposures.
- H. AustinE. Delzell Philip A. Cole
- 1 August 1987
Environmental Science, Medicine
The relation of hepatocellular carcinoma to occupation and chemical exposures was evaluated in a case-control study and no persuasively positive association was found.
A case-control study of hepatocellular carcinoma and the hepatitis B virus, cigarette smoking, and alcohol consumption.
- H. AustinE. Delzell P. Cole
- 1 February 1986
The results of the present study do not support the hypothesis that cigarette smoking is a risk factor for HCC, and there was also no consistent dose-response relationship between quantity smoked and HCC.
Randomised comparison ofcombination chemotherapy plus supportive carewithsupportive carealone inpatients withmetastatic colorectal cancer
- S. JabłońskaStanish Wm P. Herbrink
- 1993
Overall survival was significantly longer for patients given chemotherapy than patients receiving supportive care alone, and there was no significant difference between thetwogroups inglobal orsubgroup quality oflife scores.
Smoking history and adherence to cancer-related recommendations in a primary care setting.
- R. ZoorobM. C. MejiaJennifer L MatasHaijun WangJ. SalemiR. Levine
- 16 December 2021
It was found that current smokers experienced significantly lower rates of cancer screening compared to never smokers, and further research is needed to investigate and identify best practices for increasing cancer screening uptake in this population.
Measuring quality of care in the treatment of colorectal cancer: The Moffitt Network Initiative on Practice Quality (MNIPQ).
- P. JacobsenD. Shibata M. Malafa
- 20 June 2006
Findings identified several areas where efforts should be made to improve the quality of colorectal cancer care at one or more member institutions.
A Case-Control Study of Hepatocellular Carcinoma and the Hepatitis B Virus , Cigarette Smoking , and Alcohol Consumption 1
- H. AustinE. Delzell P. Cole
- 2006
The results of the present study do not support the hypothesis that cigarette smoking is a risk factor for HCC, and there was also no consistent dose-response relationship between quantity smoked and HCC.