Differences in lung function and chest dimensions in school-age girls and boys.
- J. KivastikP. Kingisepp
- 1 March 1997
Very similar growth patterns of lung function and thoracic parameters can suggest that Differences in the lung function parameters of boys and girls of the same height may be explained by differences in the thorax size.
Alfred Fleisch (1892–1973): Professor of Physiology at the University of Tartu, Estonia
- P. Kingisepp
- 1 February 2011
Alfred Fleisch was a Swiss physiologist who invented several medical devices, among them a device for measuring airflow known as Fleischs's pneumotachometre, which is still well known and is used all over the world in different varieties of spirograph.
Emotional and cognitive factors connected with response to cholecystokinin tetrapeptide in healthy volunteers
- A. AluojaJ. Shlik J. Bradwejn
- 15 January 1997
Smoking differences between university faculties in Tartu, Estonia, and Oulu, Finland, after the disruption of communism
- R. HeikkinenJ. KivastikP. KingiseppLeo HirvonenS. Näyhä
- 2006
Sozial- und Präventivmedizin SPM
High percentages of smokers were typical of Tartu faculties representing disciplines closely connected with the country’s transition, and low percentages in faculties emphasising physical and mental performance can be interpreted as delayed diffusion of medical information beyond the former Iron Curtain.
Smoking differences between employees in faculties of the University of Tartu, Estonia, and changes during the country's transition
- S. NäyhäJ. KivastikP. KingiseppR. Heikkinen
- 8 March 2011
Even in this low-smoking academic community, wide smoking differences existed between the faculties and other workplaces, and the reversed sex ratio in the faculties of law and economics may indicate women's intensified drive for equality in this transitional society.
Lung function in Estonian children: effect of sitting height.
- J. KivastikP. Kingisepp
- 1 May 1995
There is a very close correlation between sitting height and lung function variables, and the use of sitting height in parallel with standing height in predicted values for Estonian schoolchildren would make the values more exact.
Spirometric reference values in Estonian schoolchildren.
- J. KivastikP. Kingisepp
- 17 July 2001
In comparison with recent data from European children the reference values were close for FVC, the differences were bigger for FEV1 and forced expiratory flows, especially in taller children.
Effect of peripheral vasoconstriction on the beat-to-beat measurement of finger blood pressure
- R. RaamatJ. TaltsK. JagomagiP. Kingisepp
- 23 July 2000
Medicine, Engineering
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International…
Two different techniques for noninvasive beat-to-beat finger arterial blood pressure monitoring are compared in 5 healthy volunteers during local hand heating and a disagreement between the devices during vasoconstriction is assumed to be caused mainly by the tendency of the oscillometric method to overestimate the finger mean blood pressure in condition of peripheral vasoconStriction.
Exceptionally low smoking rates among a university community in Estonia—a country with highly sustained national rates
- R. HeikkinenJ. KivastikP. KingiseppS. Näyhä
- 5 April 2011
A study of age patterns suggested that taking up smoking among UT men decreased among generations born in 1938–1947 and later, whereas among all Estonian men, it only decreased among those born in the 1970s and later.