development in Brazil: an analysis of the printed media news coverage on social indicators
- Verónica Maria SavignanoP. Jannuzzi
- 2003
Political Science
A agenda politico-social do Brasil vem merecendo um acompanhamentocrescente e sistematico por parte da midia, segundo revelam a frequencia,profundidade e diversidade com que certas tematicas sociais…
POPULATION PROJECTIONS FOR SMALL AREAS: Method and applications for districts and local population projections in Brazil
- P. Jannuzzi
- 2005
Population projections for small areas are becoming more and more requested by public and private organizations around the world as a way to improve their planning capabilities. Most of the proposed…
Sistemas de Indicadores ou Indicadores Sintéticos: do que precisam os gestores de programas sociais? ∗
Desde meados dos anos 1990, surgiram no pais diversas propostas de indicadores sinteticos para uso em Politicas Publicas, propostos com o objetivo de apreender a realidade social atraves de uma unica…
Income and poverty levels of vulnerable groups in the nineties in Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area
- P. Jannuzzi
- 2001
Economics, Sociology
The paper presents the recent trends on family income level, income distribution and poverty in Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area (SPMA) and its social impacts on some vulnerable groups. SPMA is the most…
Indicators in Public Policy, Brazil
- P. Jannuzzi
- 2021
Political Science
Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration…
[Population growth and urbanization in Brazil in the 1980s].
- P. Jannuzzi
- 1995
Geography, Sociology
"The population of Brazil has undergone important demographic changes in the last decades, which were ignored by those in charge of public policies and their effects on the demand for public services are described.