The importance of trust between operator and AUV: Crossing the human/computer language barrier
- N. JohnsonP. PatrónD. Lane
- 18 June 2007
Computer Science, Engineering
OCEANS 2007 - Europe
Natural language and high level graphics are used as as key components of both the input and output of the suggested plan creation system which allows the user to satisfy themselves of the validity of a plan and the competence of the system before it is run on a real AUV.
Narrative monologue as a first step towards advanced mission debrief for AUV operator situational awareness
- N. JohnsonD. Lane
- 20 June 2011
Computer Science, Engineering
This work presents Glaykos, a system designed to automatically create audio visual debriefs for missions carried out with both real and simulated vehicles, allowing it to act as a tool for both pre-mission verification and post mission debrief.
The design and implementation of a system for the automatic generation of narrative debriefs for AUV Missions
- N. Johnson
- 1 April 2011
Engineering, Computer Science
A novel system is presented to maximise the effectiveness of a debrief by ordering the mission events using a narrative structure, which has been shown to be the quickest and most effective way of communicating information and building a situation model inside a person’s mind.