Reproductive biology, seed germination and regeneration of Flourensia DC. species endemic to Central Argentina (Asteraceae)
- N. DelbónM. CosaG. Bernardello
- 30 June 2017
Biology, Environmental Science
Six rare Flourensia endemic to Central Argentina can be considered at risk of extinction, and strategies should be implemented to protect them, such as to preserve its habitat together with attempts to increase their population sizes and maintain their pollinators.
Pre-Hispanic use of edible Geoffroea decorticans fruits in central Argentina - first approximations based on an integrated morphoanatomical and archaeobotanical approach
- Valentina Saur PalmieriN. DelbónCecilia TrilloMaría Laura López
- 14 October 2023
Environmental Science, History
Biomass Partitioning and Morphoanatomical Traits of Six Gymnocalycium (Cactaceae) Species Occurring along a Precipitation Gradient
- Solana B. PerottiN. L. AliscioniN. DelbónMario PereaA. HammannD. Gurvich
- 11 September 2022
Environmental Science, Biology
Six Gymnocalycium species occurring in three sites along a precipitation gradient differ in their biomass partitioning and morphoanatomical characteristics, andPhylogenetic relatedness is the main factor associated with morphoan atomical characteristics.
Looking for non-hermaphrodite cacti: multidisciplinary studies in Gymnocalycium bruchii endemic to central Argentina
- N. DelbónN. L. AliscioniM. LorenzatiS. GarcíaR. B. SingerD. Gurvich
- 20 March 2023
Environmental Science, Biology
It is found that Gymnocalycium bruchii, an endemic cactus from central Argentina, acts as a dioecious species, which is the first record in this genus, and is confirmed that Gymnocalicium bruchii is a dioecious species.
Growing or reproducing? Assessing the existence of a trade-off in the globose cactus Gymnocalycium monvillei.
- M. LorenzatiN. L. AliscioniN. DelbónD. Gurvich
- 13 February 2024
Biology, Environmental Science
It was found that both seed production and total seed mass were significantly related to cactus size, however, growth was not related to seed mass or to seed production, even when they were relativized.
Exomorfología y anatomía de órganos vegetativos aéreos en especies de Flourensia DC. (Asteraceae) con importancia fitoquímica
- N. DelbónM. CosaG. Bernardello
- 3 January 2012
Biology, Environmental Science
The genus Flourensia DC. is American and comprises 32 species. They are resiniferous shrubs used in folk medicine. As they have potential economic value, its chemical compounds have been…
Surviving in semi-arid environments: functional coordination and trade-offs in shrubs from Argentina
- N. DelbónLucía V. CastelloAlejandro Rios-VillamilM. CosaL. Stiefkens
- 29 March 2021
Environmental Science, Biology
An overview of leaf and wood traits indicates that the absence of a typical xeric characteristic in the wood might be compensated by the presence of a xeric leaf trait, and vice versa, and these trait combinations allow these species to survive in dry conditions and could influence their tolerance to increasing aridity.
Spine function in Cactaceae, a review
- N. L. AliscioniN. DelbónD. Gurvich
- 23 January 2021
Biology, Environmental Science
Surprisingly, there are few studies that analyzed species in environmental gradients or that analyzed the effect of spine removal, and the most studied function was thermoregulation, where spines protect the stem from extreme temperatures, followed by antiherbivory defense.