Iron status in athletes involved in intense physical activity.
- L. EhnB. CarlmarkS. Höglund
- 1980
The low aborption and increased elimination of iron seems to be the explanation for the empty iron stores in 8 long distance runners.
Uptake of Adriamycin in tumour and surrounding brain tissue in patients with malignant gliomas
- H. HolstE. Knochenhauer C. Peterson
- 1 March 1990
In anin vitro study a human malignant glioma cell line was exposed to various concentrations of Adriamycin for 24 hours and it was found that an intracellular drug concentration above 30 nmol/g cells caused a concentration dependent inhibition of cell growth.
Studies in Iron Absorption
- S. HöglundL. EhnG. Liedén
- 1970
Medicine, Biology
Comparison between effectiveness of intramuscular and intravenous lignocaine on ventricular arrhythmia complicating acute myocardial infarction.
- L. RydénA. WaldenströmL. EhnS. HolmbergM. Husaini
- 1 November 1973
British heart journal
There was no significant difference in the occurrence of ventricular tachyarrhythmia between the two groups and lignocaine blood levels were significantly higher in the intramuscular than the intravenous group.
Nuclear orientation of149Pm in gadolinium host
- I. ProcházkaM. Finger Z. Janout
- 1 March 1984
Physics, Materials Science
Hyperfine magnetic fields at rare-earth elements in ferromagnetic transition metals
- M. BudzyńskiP. Simecek Z. Janout
- 1 March 1987
Hyperfine magnetic fields for such probes as:152SmFe,152SmCo,152SmNi,155GdFe,172YbFe,172YbCo and172YbNi have been measured using PAC method. The quantitative analysis of components of these fields…
[Iron supplement to blood donors. II. Effect of continuous iron supply].
- G. LiedénS. HöglundL. Ehn
- 24 April 2009
When a healthy person loses 3.5 mg iron daily, supplementation with a 100 mg tablet per day is therefore insufficient to maintain the iron stores at their previous level, and iron absorption seems to be stimulated sufficiently to establish a balance at a reduced storage iron level.
[Treatment of blood diseases in a specialized department].
- M. BeranB. Carlmark E. Osby
- 23 April 1980