Effective gaps are not effective: quasipolynomial classical simulation of obstructed stoquastic Hamiltonians
- Jacob BringewattMichael Jarret
- 18 April 2020
Physics, Computer Science
This work presents a classical algorithm to subexponentially sample from an effective subspace of any k-local stoquastic Hamiltonian H, without a priori knowledge of its symmetries (or near asymmetries), and exploits graph isomorphism to study the automorphisms of G and arrives at an algorithm quasipolynomial in |V| for producing samples from effective sub space eigenstates of H.
On the stability of solutions to Schr\"{o}dinger's equation short of the adiabatic limit
- Jacob BringewattMichael JarretT. C. Mooney
- 23 March 2023
We prove an adiabatic theorem that applies at timescales short of the typical adiabatic limit. Our proof analyzes the stability of solutions to Schrodinger's equation under perturbation. We directly…