Theory of relaxation processes in polymer materials decomposing under high-intensity convective heating
- G. N. IsakovV. V. NesmelovG. E. VishnevskiiE. Zadorina
- 1 October 1984
Materials Science, Physics
Study of the Temperature-Time Dependence of the Strength and Durability of AG-4S and EF-S Sheet Glass Plastics under Tension, Compression, and Bending under Conditions of Programmed One-Sided Heating,
- M. G. LozinskiĭG. E. VishnevskiiA. I. Pavlov
- 31 January 1972
Materials Science, Engineering
Abstract : The study describes the IMASH-11 machine which was designed and developed at the Moscow Institute of Machine Science for the purpose of determining strength and deformation properties of…
Determining the kinetic parameters of a thermal-decomposition process by solving the inverse problem
- G. E. VishnevskiiV. M. Yudin
- 1 May 1969
Engineering, Physics
We examine the problems of mathematical description and determination of the kinetic parameters applicable to the process of destroying the binder in the high-temperature heating of a…
Some Regularities of Weaking and Fracture of Oriented Glass-Reinforced Plastics during Compression under the Conditions of One-Sided Heating,
- G. E. VishnevskiiM. G. LozinskiĭN. A. MalakhovV. Smirnov
- 3 June 1972
Materials Science, Engineering
Abstract : Experiments conducted on flat samples made of oriented glass-reinforced plastic EF-S on an epoxy-phenol bonding agent showed that in the investigated range of thicknesses and velocities of…
Study of the Laws Governing Weakening and the Formation and Growth of Defects in the Structure of Structural Glass-Reinforced Plastics under Conditions of Nonstationary Heating at High Temperatures,
- M. G. LozinskiĭG. E. VishnevskiiN. A. MalakhovV. Smirnov
- 27 November 1970
Materials Science, Engineering
Abstract : A theoretical investigation of the criteria determining the temperature field and stress condition of plastics subjected to nonstationary heating at high temperatures and external loads…
Certain Aspects of the Softening and Fracture of Oriented Glass-Reinforced Plastics under Compression with Unidrectional Heating,
- G. E. VishnevskiiM. G. LozinskiĭN. A. MalakhovV. Smirnov
- 30 June 1972
Materials Science, Engineering
Abstract : Tests conducted with flat samples of EF-S oriented glass-reinforced plastic with an epoxy-phenol bonding agent demonstrated that in the test range of thicknesses and linear unidrectional…
Questions of the diagnostics of high-temperature material testing regimes by using inverse problems
- V. K. ZantsevG. E. Vishnevskii
- 1 November 1983
Engineering, Physics
A comparative analysis is performed of the efficiency and operability of heat-flux sensors in checking out the temperature regimes of textile material tests. Questions of the practical application of…
- M. ProkofievG. E. VishnevskiiS. ZhuravlevL. Rabinskiy
- 2016
Materials Science, Engineering
Effect of the properties of the components and the geometric characteristics of the structure on the thermal-conductivity coefficients of glass-reinforced plastics
- G. E. VishnevskiiO. F. Shlenskiĭ
- 1968
Materials Science, Engineering
A method is proposed for estimating the thermal-conductivity coefficients of orthotropic composite glass-reinforced plastics with a structure composed of continually repeating units, in which the…