Selective autotransplant of the spleen. An experimental study
- A. AznarAznarA. López-Alonso C. CasimiroSansegundo
- 1 March 1983
[Measles and acute appendicitis].
- G. AlP. MoratinosPalomeroA. PrietoSantosC. GómezVilanovaA. AznarAznar
- 1 December 1985
Action of plasma and liver extract from adult mice on the mitotic activity of young mouse liver.
- G. AlInda AmEchavellanos Jm
- 1 June 1991
Biology, Medicine
The injection of small doses of extract and plasma inhibits the mitotic activity of hepatocytes during the first and second following days, and a compensatory wave appears in the third day.