wrapper protein, Drosophila
National Institutes of Health
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We present the software architecture of FMIGo!, a distributed, parallel runtime environment for executing Functional Mockup…
It was aimed to assess the impact of rehydration process of freeze-dried dumpling wrapper on their property and rate of…
Hiperglikemia sebagai manifestasi stres paling sering ditemukan tidak lama setelah masuk ICU. Risiko terjadinya hiperglikemia…
In response to the search engine crawler's queries, the application servers generate the information and deliver it directly to…
为了解决复杂产品关键质量特性(CTQs)识别问题,提出基于过滤(Filter)算法与包裹(Wrapper)算法的改进混合特征选择算法。首先应用 Filter 算法对复杂产品质量特性进行排序,接着应用 Wrapper…
In this paper,we prepared dumpling wrapper,then evaluated the sensory quality and determined the texture index of the dumpling…
본 논문은 데이타 통신망 상에서의 정보를 보호하는 경우 키 전송을 안전하게 할 수 있는 방법을 제안한다. 제안된 방법은 Diffie-Hellman 알고리즘 및 wrapper…