unclassified Lamiaceae
National Institutes of Health
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OZ: Lamiaceae familyasinin bir uyesi olan Cyclotrichium niveum (Boiss.) Manden.&Scheng turu ulkemiz icin endemik bir tur olup…
Introduction: Lamiaceae herbs have are well known for their immunomodulatory effects, however, the mechanism by which they effect…
Hydrodistilled leaves and fruits of Hoslundia opposita yielded 0.54% and 0.65%v/w of essentials oils. Investigation by GC and GC…
Family Pyrolaceae Family Monotropaceae Family Ericaceae Family Diapensiaceae Family Primulaceae Family Plumbaginaceae Family…
Ege ve Guney Marmara Bolgeleri’nde halk ilaci olarak kullanilan bitkiler ve kullanim sekillerini belirlemeye yonelik calisma, soz…
rubropunctata and S . tsusimensis . In the 19 species of Scutellaria occurring in Japan, chromosome number has been reported as…
Bu arastirma projesi ile Isparta ili ve cevresinin Lamiaceae (Labiatae) familyasina dahil olan tibbi ve aromatik bitki turlerinin…
The aerial parts of CUNILA SPICATA Benth., a Brasilian Lamiaceae, afforded a sesquiterpene-aldehyde named isocaryophyllen-13-al…