ruminal bacterium KN4
National Institutes of Health
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ABSTRACT Since maize silage is an important forage in cattle nutrition, it is important to know its nutritive value. Much effort…
Melamine might be degraded into cyanuric acid and some other analogs by the rumen microorganism. Thus, the metabolism of melamine…
A small cryptic plasmid has been identified in a strain of the ruminal bacteriumButyrivibrio fibrisolvens. This plasmid has been…
Objectives of this research were to evaluate effects of increasing level of barley supplementation on forage intake…
nylon mesh (10 m m pore size). The protozoa were washed with at least 100 ml of Coleman Simplex buffer (Williams and Coleman…
A collection of 59 ureolytic and lactic acid‐producing ruminal staphylococci and enterococci, isolates from domestic and wild…
Washed cells of strain H18, a newly isolated ruminal selenomonad, decarboxylated succinate 25-fold faster than Selenomonas…
Ruminal production and interchange rates of volatile fatty acids (VFA) were measured for steers fed corn grain in the whole or…
Ruminal ciliates have been grown in continuous culture in chemically defined media and in the absence of viable bacteria…