National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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To establish a HPLC method for determination of prim-O-glucosylcimifugin and 5-O-methylvisammioside contents in Yuping feng…
Karla Schwantz – FURB/PIBID - Pedagogia Jaqueline Trainotti Prim – FURB/PIBID - Pedagogia Aroraima Maria Baggio Prado – EBM…
Sigorta sirketleri, temel olarak, risk olusmadan once primlerin toplanmasi ve risk olustugunda da hasar odemelerinin yapilmasi…
Flow properties of a selection of common Norwegian dairy products were tested by a rheological rotational method, changing the…
Kad su jednom prigodom, prije stotinjak godina, pitali Davida Hilberta bi li mogao reci koji bi to bio glavni problem (tadasnje…
Experimental and computational kinetic data for the intramolecular 1,x-hydrogen shift in alkyl radicals are compiled in Arrhenius…
Bu calisma dunya da ve Turkiye'de uygulanan saglik finansman yontemlerini tum nufusa saglik guvencesi saglanmasi ve saglik…
This paper describes an intuitive and efficient way to desig n no t o nl y 3 -D shapes but al so their g eo m etric co nstraints…