National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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In this paper, artificial neural network technology and the establishment of a typical artificial neural network model are…
Ondoko lan labur honetan Lazarragaren izkribuko hizkeraren puntu ba tzuk hautatu ditut aztergai, gramatikari doazkion alderditik…
Object:To investigate the change of the quantum of CCK-neure in cortex and learning memory ability of chronicity mercury exposed…
Objective:To explore ametropia's influence on children's visual cortex by using BOLD-fMRI technology and non-metal glasses…
J. A. Mogelek Peru Abarca idatzi zuenetik hona edo gaurrera bi mende bete direla eta, erronda-kantuen gainean hitzaldi bat eskatu…
Weighting means configured to 11-n by a variable resistor 11-1 for weighting the input signal, each of the variable resistor made…
Aspaldi da R. P. G. De Rijk-en Studies in Basque Syntax: Relative Clauses izeneko doktore-tesia nire eskutara iritsi, eta euskal…
Marfan syndrome is a hereditary disease of the connective tissue with increased mortality mostly due to changes of the…
Patients with recurrent syncope undiagnosed after extensive noninvasive and invasive testing pose a diagnostic and therapeutic…
Depuis le concile de Vatican II, les contributions sur le theme de la mission chretienne sont nombreuses. Aujourd'hui, cette…