National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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LESZEK LORENT – perkusista, doktor habilitowany sztuki muzycznej, laureat krajowych i miedzynarodowych konkursow. Jest wykladowc…
The provision of a balanced weaning food is a major challenge in Africa, especially among low earners. Most women result to…
[T]hey kept me in a room for many days in [a place near Peshawar] where first they had sex with me by themselves for many days…
The rapid evolution of new sublineages of H5N1 influenza in Asia poses the greatest challenge in vaccine development for pre…
Despite the huge potential on both the demand and supply sides of the ṣukūk market, the current ṣukūk structures fall short of…
In dem von Christina Holtz-Bacha herausgegebenen Sammelband wird aus einer kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Perspektive…
This paper uses a three-gap analysis to discuss obstacles to economic growth of a highly country like the Philippines and how…
Twenty-three chicks, each fed 10 cysts of Zygocotyle lunata in 3% NaHCO:~, were infected with a total of 85 worms (1 to 9/host…