Zerene eurydice
National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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Abstract Comparisons of high-quality, reference butterfly, and moth genomes have been instrumental to advancing our understanding…
Braunsapis scorpius Packer, new species, from Vietnam, is diagnosed, described, and illustrated. In addition to adaptations…
The spider fly Acrocera bakeri Coquillett, 1904 (Diptera: Acroceridae) is reported as a new state record for Wisconsin. This is a…
V žepnici, ki sledi tradiciji dostopnih predstavitev znanstvenih vpogledov v dejanskost in je pred vami, avtorji in avtorice…
This essay constitutes a preliminary effort to explain the state fantasy with which Barack Obama hegemonized an alternative to…
Introduction The isopod fauna of the Indian Ocean can only be considered to be moderately well known, with South Africa the most…
Como ejemplo significative de las posibles aportaciones que los organismosinternacionales pueden ofrecer a quienes trabajan en…