National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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Introduction The GHS (The Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals) is a specially system for…
The purpose of sauce production is to add flavors, colors and textures to foods and make them more attractive and appetizing. One…
Sometimes the structures that represent the greenhouses fail due to the bad consideration of the loads which are submit and the…
The NMX-I-059-NYCE-2011 is a Mexican initiative to support Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to achieve higher levels of…
The aim of this research was to design and evaluate sustainability
indicators in small-scale milk production agroecosystems in…
RESUMEN. Unadelastecnicasmasutilizadasenelanalisisdehidrocarburosdelafraccionpesadadelpetroleoensuelos…
Resumen: La validacion de metodos es frecuentemente materia de controversia, y aun motivo de conflictos, en la evaluacion de…
Como una de las consecuencias favorables de la globalizacion economica, el concepto calidad en los ultimos tres anos se ha estado…
Los laboratorios de ensayos constituyen uno de los cuatro pilares sobre los cuales se construye la evaluacion de la conformidad…