National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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Shells of certain freshwater mussel (Unionoida) species are highly demanded and serve as raw material for a range of decorative…
Westralunio carteri Iredale 1934 is the only hyriid in southwestern Australia. The species was listed as ‘Vulnerable’ by the IUCN…
Freshwater fishes are the usual hosts of glochidia (the parasitic larval stage) of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoidea…
Eleven microsatellite loci for the freshwater mussel Lasmigona costata were isolated and characterized. Genetic screening of…
Spermatozoa of the trigonioid bivalveNeotrigonia margaritacea (Lamarck) (Trigoniidae, Trigonioida) are examined ultrastructurally…
The fish hosts of Margaritifera auricularia, the critically endangered Giant Pearlmussel, have been identified. Natural…
Molecular (mitochondrial DNA, isozyme) and morphological diversity of freshwater mussels (Family Hyriidae) was examined at 21…
Les Hyriidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionoida) ont une repartition disjointe en Amerique du Sud, en Australie et en Nouvelle…
Els unionoides dels Paisos Catalans han estat revisats atenent a caracters de la conquilla, de
les larves gloquidi i de l…