National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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The purpose of this study is to explore the implementation of provisions of the domestic air transport regulations provided in…
One of the negative impact of wood industries was the emergence of air pollution such as sawdust particles originating from the…
Telah diteliti kinetika adsorpsi gas benzena pada karbon aktif tempurung kelapa yang diaktivasi dengan NaCl dengan tujuan…
Biomassa tempurung kelapa adalah salah satu bahan baku energi alternatif dengan jumlah melimpah. Pemakaian tempurung kelapa dapat…
The o zone generator with D ielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Technology (DBDPT) with Spiral-cylinder configuration has been…
This time, rattan bark fiber’s used in furniture industries and home industries because it is easy to get, cheap,not to be danger…
Pompa hidram bekerja berdasarkan prinsip palu-air. Ketika aliran fluida dihentikan secara tiba-tiba, maka perubahan momentum…
Concentrations of Cu, Mn, Cd, Pb, Zn, Fe and Al in indoor dusts and outdoor soils from nurseries located in industrial, town and…
In this paper, the drying behaviour of Malaysian padi was studied using the thin layer method. Characteristic drying curves of…
buku ini akan membahas tentang tinjauan mekanika fluida dan perpindahan panas, radiasi surya, kolektor surya pelat rata