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Thoracolumbar fascia

Known as: Fascia thoracolumbalis, Fascia, Lumbar, Lumbar Fascias 
FASCIA of the the PARASPINAL MUSCLES in the lower back to which the ABDOMINAL MUSCLES attach. Flexion of the SPINE is accomplished by the muscles of… 
National Institutes of Health

Papers overview

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Study Design. Traction was applied to muscles attaching to the posterior and middle layers of lumbar fascia (PLF, MLF). Effects… 
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Highly Cited
The use of closed suction drainage after spinal surgery remains controversial. The purpose of this study was to determine the… 
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Highly Cited
The abdominal mechanism, utilizing intraabdominal pressure, has been described and numericized. Simulations show that the… 
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Highly Cited
The thoracolumbar fascia was studied by dissection in ten adult human cadavers. The posterior layer of this fascia was found to…