Streblospio shrubsolii
National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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Trace-metal concentrations in sediment and in the clam Macoma petalum (formerly reported as Macoma balthica), clam reproductive…
In many species, alternative developmental pathways lead to the production of two distinct phenotypes, promoting the evolution of…
Next-generation sequencing technology is now frequently being used to develop genomic tools for non-model organisms, which are…
The evolution of marine larvae is replete with transitions in trophic mode, but little is known about how, at the genetic level…
The functional morphology of the feeding palps and prostomium of the spionid polychaetes Streblospio benedicti and S. shrubsolii…
Studies of pollutant impact on the marine environment assume that organic contaminants are anthropogenic in origin. However, many…
Surface deposit feeders live in an environment in which nutritional states change rapidly due to flux of surface material. This…