National Institutes of Health
Papers overview
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Parasitism is less widespread in polychaetes than commensalism is. The latest review [1] describes 375 species of symbiotic…
Abstract The gills of three species of Branchipolynoe have been studied in order to better understand the morphological and…
Most of the polychaete larvae in which feeding mechanisms have been studied feed using an opposed-band mechanism, capturing…
Pettibone, Marian H. Revision of Some Species Referred to Antinoe, Antinoella, Bylgides, and Harmothoe (Polychaeta: Polynoidae…
Pettibone, Marian H. Review of the Iphioninae (Polychaeta: Polynoidae) and Revision of Iphione cimex Quatrefages, Gattyana…
Une nouvelle sous famille les Bronchinotogluminae est creee pour le nouveau genre Branchinotogluma avec 3 nouvelles especes et…
Description de Pelagomacellicephala iliffei n.g. n.sp., Bathykermadeca turnerae n.sp., Bathybahamas charleneae n.g. n.sp…
The embryos of Harmothoë imbricata (L.) are protected during their early development as a mass under the scales of the female…
The polynoid genera Polyeunoa Mclntosh (1885) and Hoîolepidella Willey (1905) have been used by various polychaete vv^orkers to…
In connection with an extended review of the polynoid genera, based on a study of the type-species, it was foimd that…