National Institutes of Health
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This study aims to investigate whether postoperative follow-up period, clinical signs or Minor test is effective to…
The importance of complete excision of a benign pleomorphic adenoma is illustrated by two patients' histories. A 28-year-old man…
Hintergrund: Patient und Ergebnisse: Schlussfolgerung: Background: Patient and results: Conclusions:
SummaryThe localization of endogenous peroxidase was investigated in the parotid gland of the rat by the method of Graham and…
ZusammenfassungExtrakranielle Meningeome der Kopf-Hals-Region sind äußerst selten. Neben Meningeomen primär extrakraniellen…
We report two patients showing clinical signs of a parotid gland tumour in whom we demonstrated an intraglandular toxoplasmosis…
: Synovial chondromatosis of the temporomandibular joint is an uncommon disease of cartilaginous transformation of synovial…
Die Glandula parotis bietet fur die Feinnadelpunktion (FNP) besonders gunstige Voraussetzungen. Die Druse ist dank ihrer…
: The parotid gland function was examined in 31 patients with thyroid carcinoma treated with radio-iodine. Beside enhanced values…
Das Geschwulstepithel des Acinuszellentumors der Glandula parotis hat die seröse Drüsenzelle des Organes zum zelligen Vorbild und…